Friday, July 30, 2010

TGIF and other stuff

FRIDAY is here, yay, love my weekends with my family!
I weighed in today, down 1. 8. I'll take it. For the last couple weigh in's, I have been up and this has frustrated me and thrown a wrench in my goals and plan. I let it sabotage me for a while too...sigh....well, no more. I promised myself I would get on plan which I did and not weigh till Friday which I did and I am back on, woo-hoo!
I think I only worked out once this week, and I am really craving it, today I'm getting a good workout in and tomorrow as well! Now onto the other stuff I mentioned....

A friend on FB tagged a couple pics of me and I could not believe what I saw. Remember that new shirt I talked about buying with my sister?? Well, in these pics I was wearing that shirt. In my mind, I looked much thinner in that shirt than those pictures showed. It was a wake up call for me. My first reaction when I saw those photos was "wow, look at that beautiful fat girl! Nice hair, nice make-up, cute clothes...but FAT. Not just "chubby" "chunky" "could stand to lose a couple pounds" but "FAT" "OBESE" "XXL" --and it was surprising to me. I did not FEEL how I LOOKED in that photo. I felt like a thinner person when I went out that night. I had lost 47 pounds, I had a new shirt on.... It makes me wonder, do fat people not see how they truly appear to the world? Is anyone else like this or am I the only screwed up one? This is a long road to head down and it is full of twists, turns and detours I did not expect nor want to take. But I am on this road for the duration, I have promised myself this and I will stick to it. I am back on and like Dory said....keep on swimming, just keep swimming.....
At the end of every post I am going to list another reason why I want to lose here's how I look and how I *think* I look are one and the same!

1 comment:

  1. It is funny that we look different then we think huh. I look at some pictures of myself just 3 months ago and think how in the world did I fit into that T-shirt. Congrats on the weight loss.
