Tuesday, October 12, 2010

just a Tuesday

and some new thoughts runnin' around this brain of mine. I wonder if your brain loses weight, too. Seriously, think about that for a minute. There is fat all over your body, and you lose weight all over, so why not there? Without out all the crap clogging and running through your veins, wouldn't it make sense that it would help your brain too? Hmmm...I may have to look into that.

Anyway, I wanted to post because I am amazed at what I've accomplished so far today and still there is a lot of the day left. There is no way when I was heavier, I would've gotten all this done. I've walked the dog to the groomer's, taken my youngest to the park and played, cleaned the house, done Grandpa's laundry and made and eaten lunch. Wow. OK, so it doesn't look like as much as it sounds but man, I know it would've taken me much longer to get all that done when I was 70 pounds heavier.

Yes, I've made it to 70 lost now. More than half way to my goal. I can't pin point what made it stick this time for me, but I can say I'm loving every minute and so much happier now. To hear my 9 yr old say she is proud of me is priceless. I saw this quote a while ago--"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" and that is right on the money for me. I find myself going back to that quote when I want another helping of food even though I'm not needing it or when I want to eat the oreos that are staring me in the face when I open the pantry. I really ought to frame that and hang it on my fridge.
Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels~

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