Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I kicked some serious elliptical butt tonight, 60 minutes worth baby!!!! I must say it wasn't easy peasy, but I did not except it to be. I wanted to quit, but I did not. GOOOOO ME! I am so freaking proud of myself! I do have to thank one of the Jonas Bros for being on Minute to win it tonight and every time I was shaky, wanting to quit...he won a challenge and it kept me going. lol I didn't have any music, so my only distraction was headphones watching some tv on the machine. It did the trick though. I did it. Me + elliptical + a whole entire HOUR = BLISSFUL SORE HAPPY PROUDNESS! ;o)

1 comment:

  1. holy cow! i get bored on the elliptical after 5 minutes ... and then i make myself stay on for 15 or 20. but 60 minutes! you rock :)
