Sunday, August 8, 2010

Half empty

Yes, I meant half empty, I have now lost 50 pounds.
50 FREAKIN POUNDS! ON MY OWN! I am half way to my first big goal now.
I colored in my rainbow path (will post pics soon) and looked at it in awe. I did that, I made that happen. By my own will power, my own eating plan. I am so happy yet shocked by that. I've done WW, it worked, I lost weight but I left it, it cost so much. I've tried other diets, and they worked, I lost weight but didn't stick to it-obviously, I'm here writing this blog, right? Something this time clicked. Maybe it's because I finally hit bottom and I just will not live the fat life anymore. Maybe it's because my hubby inspired me and it's SO much easier doing this with him. Whatever it is, it's working and I'm sticking with it.
I love being 50 pounds thinner. I am starting to see the hard work paying off. My collar bones are visible again. My face looks thinner. I love getting compliments. I ran into some friends the other night and my friend said to me, wow, you have lost weight. That felt so good. Someone noticed! Someone sees my hard work, too! When you have a lot to lose, it takes a while for people to notice. I won't lie here, a part of me feels almost ashamed that I have lost 50 pounds. Isn't that crazy?! Yeah it is! But that part of me knows that 50 is a lot, and I still clearly have a lot yet to go. It all goes back to, how did I get here--how did I let it go so much??! Not going to go down that road, hindsight is 50/50.
A lot of sweat, hard work and will power went into each and every one of those 50 pounds that are gone and I will be proud of them--along with the next 50! "oD

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congratulations on losing 50 pounds! That is a great feat! I am lingering around 36 pounds myself and trying to push past to the 40 lb mark! You are right, it is absolutely easier when you have the support of loved ones and someone willing to change their habits right along with you! You clearly have a great hubby! Keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to reading more about your journey!
