Thursday, April 29, 2010


I am pumped. I have now lost 25 pounds. Unchartered waters here, but loving them. I am really, truly proud of myself. I've stuck with this healthy eating thing and not given up. When I've wanted something that isn't exactly 'heathly'- for example today at work there was french toast sticks for lunch. Our entire building was all cinnamon-y smelling sweetness....mmmmmm. I ate a fiber fit bar for breakfast and did Biggest Loser workout this a.m. to make room to enjoy my lunch. Then I did not snack this afternoon before dinner and walked after dinner as well. I knew I wanted those sticks for lunch, but I made myself accountable for having them too. I like that. I feel so much better, so much more in control...I love it. Anyway, when I wanted something, I ate it but made some adjustments to allow it into my program. I am not calling it a "diet"'s not. I am simply eating healthy and doing so to lose weight. can't wait to get to the next 25 down!


  1. Congrats on losing 25! It's not always easy to stick to a healthy eating plan, but at least it's always worth it in the end. Keep up the good work!
